Monitoring tools that reveal our vital connection to the environment

Data Loggers & Sensor Networks for Ecological Monitoring

Environmental monitoring solutions for ecological studies that expand our understanding of ecosystems and interdependence

Understanding the interdependence between people and nature is crucial to achieving long-term sustainability. In an era of climate change impacts and ever-expanding urban development, HOBO data loggers and weather stations provide our world's leading scientists and industry experts with trusted monitoring tools, giving them the insights they need to make informed decisions that protect species, restore ecosystems, maintain biodiversity, and sustain our natural resources.

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Temperature and Relative Humidity

Assess climate impact on ecosystems, agriculture, health, and water resources

Water Level

Measure runoff at key locations to evaluate stormwater

Soil Mosture

Gauge the energy potential of harnessed geothermal heat to generate clean, renewable energy

Water Quality

Determine aquatic/coastal ecosystems impacts by measuring dissolved oxygen, temperature,ph and salinity

Rain Fall

Measure the energy generated by monitoring AC/DC voltage and current

Solar Radiation

Monitor solar radiation for solar energy site evaluation

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Choose Your Weather Monitoring Solution


Best weather stations, sensors, and HOBO wireless systems for weather monitoring



Perekam Data Mandiri

Stasiun Multi-Sensor Mandiri

Stasiun Pemantauan Jarak Jauh

Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel


Pencatat data berbiaya rendah dan akurasi tinggi dengan pengaturan Bluetooth nirkabel yang nyaman dan pembongkaran data


Stasiun pencatatan data dengan USB offload lokal untuk satu atau beberapa pengukuran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan aplikasi Anda

Stasiun seluler serbaguna dan tahan cuaca mengumpulkan dan mengirim data ke cloud dari berbagai sensor

Jaringan sensor nirkabel yang hemat biaya dan kuat yang didukung oleh stasiun pemantauan jarak jauh

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